
 Conversations among the members of your marketplace happen whether you like it or not. Good marketing encourages the right sort of conversations

SGTI is known in the industry for providing best testing services helping businesses for a winning start and strengthening online footprint. Multiple Channels, Quality Content, Attractive Banners and Being Social are some of the testing strategies used by SGTI that has given better results to hundreds of our clients so far.

Most companies haven’t given testing content the attention it deserves partly because its challenging.

As UX professionals were all familiar with the need to test user experience designs. Testing content, however, might be a different story. Most companies haven’t given testing content the attention it deserves partly because its challenging. One challenge is that time and budget usually do not allow us to test every single piece of content. Another challenge is that gathering too much-unfocused feedback can freeze our projects in analysis paralysis. To meet these challenges, try testing your content concepts and start testing them early in your projects.

I have found surprisingly little advice about testing content that is integral to rather than supportive of the user experience. Also scarce is advice about testing content for more than usability. A good starting point for understanding the need to test content is a blog post by Ginny Redish, Usability Testing: Be Sure to Test Content as Well as Navigation. According to Redish:

Too many usability tests focus only on finding information not on how the information itself works for people. Ginny Redish

This column explains the value of testing content with real people and offers tips on evaluating content concepts.


Regardless of your business type, we can help you with effective testing services that will help you connect with more customers, increase conversion rate, save money and generate higher revenue. SGTI’s Marketing services deliver higher ROI while keeping you par with your competitors and preparing your business for the internet of things.

The Value Of Testing Content

Testing content at important points throughout a project lets you get feedback from people and ensure your content works.

Similar to testing UX designs, testing content at important points throughout a project lets you get feedback from people and ensure your content works. If your content isn’t working, you can adjust the content and test again until it does. By testing throughout your project, you save yourself the pain, frustration, and cost of reaching the end of a project only to find the content does not work for people.

Beyond Usability

For content, usability is whether someone can find, read, and understand the content. To accomplish our business goals, we often need content to be more than findable, readable, and understandable. Content might need to engage, influence, or support decisions.

 Balancing What With Why

Perhaps the greatest value of testing content is that it lets you gather more qualitative data to complement your quantitative data such as analytics. It is difficult, if not impossible, to measure the effectiveness of content using quantitative data alone.

Perhaps the greatest value of testing content is that it lets you gather more qualitative data to complement your quantitative data such as analytics. It is difficult, if not impossible, to measure the effectiveness of content using quantitative data alone.  If you test content throughout a project, you assimilate a more complete understanding of whether its achieving your goals. While analytics can tell you plenty about what is happening with your content, qualitative testing helps you understand why it is happening. For example, analytics can tell you that a certain page has a high bounce rate. Interviews with people can tell you that the content doesn’t cover the topics they need or the contents tone is lifeless or the images look unprofessional and give you insights that can help you fix the problems.

Testing content with people throughout a project lets you triangulate qualitative feedback with expert review and quantitative data from analytics, call metrics, or multivariate testing. Where you see similarities, patterns, or connections between all three, you all find the strongest insights. Triangulation is a widely recognized research principle in the social sciences, where strict, empirical tests that follow the scientific method complete with a control group, variable group, and statistically significant results are often not possible. Instead of trying to answer a question through one scientific experiment, triangulation answers the question through the combined results of several methods. Figure 1 shows how triangulation can apply to content.

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